Octopus Steals Camera, Wins Photography Competition

If underwater creatures weren’t majestic and awe inspiring enough, they’re also really good at frame composition, apparently.

Ocean Art Underwater Photo Competition gave one of its top prizes this year to an octopus who stole a family’s camera and took a selfie with it.

“On the day of the photo, I remained in the tide pool as the tide was too low to venture outside of its boundaries. In one of the shallowest parts of the pool I noticed an octopus. I placed my camera near its den and the octopus started interacting with it. It came completely out of the den and to our amazement it started shooting pictures! My son (3 y.o. in the background) was very curious about the octopus,” said Gaetano Dario Gargiulo, the man who submited the photo. No word if he’s sharing the prize with the animal THAT DID ALL THE WORK IN TAKING SUCH A COOL PHOTO.

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