Bizarre Holiday Traditions

Everyone celebrates special days differently. Here at Why? World Headquarters we celebrate birthdays by ignoring the birthday boy or girl and acting like it’s a normal work day. Oh, memories…

But, when you look into Christmas traditions around the world, they can be a little… strange.

In Austria, you’re supposed to face your demons on Christmas. (For Heidi, this means staring down a banana.) The Christmas demon Krampus wanders the country, stealing bad boys and girls and dragging them down to hell. Man, and I thought being told not to pout or cry was a bit of an imposition.

In Venezuela, they roller skate to mass on Christmas morning. In fact, so many people roller skate to church that they close roads in Caracas. Why? No idea. Just don’t loose your skate key.

In Japan, creative marketing has convinced people that the only thing to eat for Christmas dinner is Kentucky Fried Chicken. The tradition has become so popular that YOU HAVE TO MAKE A RESERVATION TO EAT AT KFC on the 25th.

And, finally, you know we couldn’t let a list like this go by without including some nakedness. What better way to celebrate the birth of the Christ child by making some intense unbroken eye contact with Uncle Ron?

In Estonia, they like to celebrate the holiday by getting the whole family together, stripping down and taking a nice long sauna together before heading off to Christmas Eve mass.

So, however you celebrate, happy holidays. Save us a chicken leg for us to chow down on after the all skate, and save us a seat as far away from the sauna door as possible.

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