Tag: Music
Episode #176- A Very Why? Christmas Celebration
This week, there’s no guests, just holiday cheer. We gather together to reminisce about the past year, play party games and share some holiday songs you haven’t heard 1,000 times […]
Episode #154 — Air Supply’s Graham Russell
We spend so much time on this podcast thinking aloud, we worry we fell out of touch. It’s always good to take a step back and consider what you, our […]
A Jules Shear Mix Tape
Remember the glory days of the mix-tape? Weren’t they great? We talked about making mix CDs to help spur your imagination to new highs with Jules Shear. During our conversation, […]
World’s Longest Song Changes Chords
Audience members gathered both inside and outside a church in Halberstadt, Germany to hear an organ change notes. This past weekend saw the first chord change in Composer John Cage’s […]
Singing Dog, Long Presumed Extinct, Found in Wild
Everyone loves a singing dog. And it turns out, one that was thought to be extinct in the wild isn’t. So, more singing dogs for everybody. A pack of New […]
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