Happy Anniversary, Larry the Downing Street Cat

No word if he got a gold watch, but Larry the Downing Street cat is celebrating his 10th anniversary on the job.

Who is Larry the Downing Street cat? Good question.

Larry is a cat was brought in in 2011 to live at 10 Downing Street to help keep the Prime Minister’s home mouse-free. (His business card notes that his actual title is ‘Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office.’) Larry has served under three prime ministers, Tony Blair, Theresa May and now Boris Johnson. No word if Larry has a favorite. We’re guessing it’s not Boris.

Larry replaced Humphrey in 2011. The cats were brought in after reporters spotted a rat in the background during a live press conference. (By the way, could these two cats have more British-sounding names? Was ‘Nigel’ ever considered?)

You may note that Larry’s anniversary comes just after the retirement of Palmerson, the British Foreign Office’s Chief Mouser retired last August. Larry was known for his long-standing feud with Palmerson.

You can follow Larry on Twitter, but we think it might be a joke account. (Mostly because on it he calls the current occupant of #10 a ‘Tosser.’)

Here’s Larry renewing the special relationship with President Obama.

And here he is photo bombing President Trump. He doesn’t look thrilled.

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