Germans Bake Cakes To Promote Covid Vaccine

Look, we get it- nobody likes needles and no one gets excited about getting a shot. But when the choice comes down to either getting stuck with a small needle or contracting a deadly virus that has killed over almost 2 million people worldwide, we’ll stick the damn thing into our arms ourselves if we have to.

In Dortmund, Germany they’re marking the introduction of a life-saving vaccine a little differently than most. Schuerner’s Baking Paradise is now selling cakes shaped like a syringe to mark to celebrate the creation of the vaccine.

Owner Tim Kortuem said, “First we were a bit skeptical whether it would be a bit too macabre. But then we did it after all. Because even for anti-vaxxers it’s funny. It is a vaccine without any side effects. And you can come back and get another one because it is so yummy.” Making light of anti-vaxxers doesn’t really strike us as funny, but we’re scared of needles, so, who the hell are we to complain? (That said, if you want to send us a cake shaped like breasts or a butt, please, give our friend Niki a call and thank you in advance for thinking of us.)

Last spring the bakery had another pandemic-related cake hit when they started selling cakes shaped like toilet paper. We guess it’s funny, making fun of the world running short of necessary household goods? Who knows, we’re tired and want to leave our houses.

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