Her Majesty Loves…. FLASH! AH-AHHHHH

Still surprising after 68 years on the throne, Queen Elizabeth II’s favorite movie is apparently Flash Gordon.
In promoting a new re-release of the film, actor Brian Blessed (better known to Flash fans as Prince Vultan) said that the Queen told him that the film was her favorite. Apparently she watches it every Christmas with her family and they recite lines from the movie together.
If imagining her recite lines such as, “I love you, but we only have 14 hours to save the Earth!!” and “Good, but next time use your fingers, gently,” isn’t enough, Blessed said that she then brought forward her grandchildren, asking, “would you mind saying ‘Gordon’s alive’?”
Liz, if you ever want to talk Flash, Dale and Ming, you’re welcome on the show anytime.