Sex Dolls Love Soccer… er, Football

Look, we’re living in strange times. Times where the only option some sports teams have is to play in empty stadiums. Is it ideal? No, of course not. It’s odd for the viewers at home, forbidden from attending and it’s odd for the players, playing a sport they love in front of… no one.

How each team has dealt with this issue is a fascinating conversation. FC Seoul decided to pipe in crowd noise, (perfectly fine) and add some mannequins in the stands (again, completely normal) and then intersperse among the mannequins a few sex dolls (wait, what now)? Like we said, it’s not ideal.

The team apologized and said that they were under the impression that the dolls were, “premium mannequins” but that the company that made them also made dolls that people could have sex with. This argument kinda falls apart when you consider that some of the mannequins had advertising on them for sex sites, but, you know what, just take your entertainment where you can get it.

The team says it won’t happen again. Bummer.

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