Collin Street Bakery is “Godfather” famous

Sure, a lot of our previous guests on “Why” have been well-known. But Collin Street Bakery is a different level of well-known. While you could describe their products as ‘beloved,’ they’ve also appeared on-screen on one of the greatest films of all time. Yup, The Collin Street Bakery is “Godfather” famous.

And that’s not a euphemism; they’re in “The Godfather.” As the above picture will show, you can clearly see the Collin Street tin on the counter of Sonny and Sandra Corleone’s kitchen.

Now, maybe that photo is too dark to tell for sure. So here’s an ad that Hayden sent us- you can clearly see the Collin Street artwork on the top of the tin.

Now, that’s famous.

How did we not talk about this in the interview? Well, that’s easy- we’re not good at our job.

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