It’s Illegal in Switzerland to Own One Guinea Pig
Here’s yet another reason to want to be Swiss…
In Switzerland, it’s against the law to own one guinea pig. You can get charged with owning only one guinea pig. (You can also face charges for owning one parrot.) Draconian, you say? Well, think again.
Experts say guinea pigs (and parrots) can get lonely by themselves. They need a little help from their friends. In fact, the effect is so detrimental to the animal’s health, some people consider it abuse to have only one guinea pig
And so Switzerland has come along and voted to give guinea pigs the same rights and protections as people. (Well, without the voting… We think.)
Congrats, guinea pigs, you’re now as responsible as the rest of us for this mess we’re in. And wood chips won’t cover this one up.