Why?- Episode 19 Equine Dentist Dr Diane Febles
This week we’re getting to the root of the rapidly growing field of equine dentistry. Seem like something off the beaten path for us? Stop and think about what must be involved in a horse’s oral care and you’ll soon realize this is right up our alley.
We sit down to speak with Dr. Diane Febles, DVM,CVA of Georgia Equine Dentistry to learn how in the world someone becomes a horse dentist and what exactly is a typical day like? We, of course, also dig into the important things listeners are dying to know such as does it involve a lot of floss? What does a retainer for a horse look like? Does the Tooth Fairy come to barns? You know, the real imperatives.
Dr. Febles was delightful and fascinating. She shared explanations on everything from preventative care techniques to how exactly one deals with extractions. Oh yeah, there is absolutely sedation involved. We even learn about the size of a horse speculum (yes ladies, Heidi cringed at the thought too).
She travels across Georgia to make house calls to the majority of her patients. Her job involves more than just getting the facts straight from the literal horse’s mouth. She and her assistant observe the entire environment to help owners understand every element of what can be causing the animal’s issues. You’d be amazed the stories a paddock and feed rack can tell.
In addition to her dental practice, she’s a licensed acupuncturist and a licensed veterinarian which brings a beautifully well-rounded set of qualifications that make it clear why she’s sought out by show horse and leisure horse owners across the state.
No, she doesn’t play Yanni when doing acupuncture, but she does want a quiet and tranquil environment for the horses to be at ease. She often asks owners to step out of the room. It’s really no different than those helicopter parents we all know. Horses- they’re just like us.
During the interview, we gathered a ton of interesting facts we never knew before such as the fact that a horse’s upper jaw is 20% larger than its lower jaw and that horses are hypsodonts. You’re welcome for those fun facts and you don’t even need to thank us when you run the table at trivia night.
Dr. Febles humored all of our absurdity with grace and a laugh. We’ve decided that if she can put up with our antics and never lose her cool, we’re positive she can handle any wild stallion with a toothache that comes her way.
Oh, and her story of what it’s like to go to her own personal dentist has our wheels turning for some epic pranks we may have to beg to enlist her help on in the future.
For more information on her practice, visit her
website: www.georgiaequinedentistry.com