Episode #187 — BDSM B&B InnThrall

The snow is melting, the Canadian geese are honking incessantly, and we can’t figure out which coat to put on each morning. That can only mean one thing — spring is just around the corner. Seriously, it will be spring before you get another episode from us. Or maybe it’s all just a sleep-deprived hallucination because we lost an entire damn hour to daylight saving time. Fun fact: it’s “saving” and “not savings.” (At least according to AP style … yes, we consult a style guide. We just like to make it seem like we don’t.)
Another fun fact is that as we write this, the U.S. Senate just passed a measure to make daylight saving time permanent. Your move, House. Apparently, this is the only topic we can get bipartisan agreement on, but we’ll take it if that means we all don’t have to come home from work in the dark for part of the year. Unless, of course, your job is supposed to take place at night — night managers at hotels, bouncers, graveyard shifters, lighthouse keepers, vampires, radio DJs that exclusively play dedicated love songs, etc. Whatever the case may be, we prefer to lose an hour’s sleep by choice, not because the calendar on our phones tell us to.
One really fun way to lose sleep is the subject of this week’s episode. We spoke with Mistress Kathleen, the owner/operator of InnThrall, a BDSM bed and breakfast. Take a moment to let the fabulous word play of her business soak in. But ask permission from your dominatrix before you do.
There are lots of charming B&Bs on the East Coast — many with their own angles. Some may showcase their collection of homemade quilts in each room; some might serve you honey at breakfast, harvested from the bees kept in their delightful garden; and some might house the colonial ghosts of previous owners. But InnThrall is a kinky B&B, a place where you can act out your BDSM scenes in a safe, secluded, hygienic environment.
Just what does all that mean? You can bet your sweet bippy we asked Mistress Kathleen, a professional dominatrix, all about the logistics of running InnThrall. She covered how she got into BDSM, how it became a profession for her, whether Alaska has anywhere for people to get kinky, and why she moved Out East. Are you wondering how to select the perfect property for a kinky B&B? You’ll find out Mistress Kathleen’s criteria. Just how clean is this business? You’ll learn how a separate HVAC system keeps guests (and the owner) safe during a pandemic. As an added bonus, Mistress Kathleen presented us with her litmus test for cleanliness and we are officially adopting it as our own.
So, who is InnThrall for and what can you expect to find there? We were filled in on all the BDSM apparatus available for guests’ use, and let’s just say there’s enough there to keep even the most experienced BDSM practitioners occupied. (Okay, when we write “let’s just say,” we mean “we trust Mistress Kathleen’s perspective when she says.”) But if you’re a newbie to the scene and want to practice in a safe space, InThrall is for you, too. And ultimately, there’s an indoor pool — so even if you decide to just hang out and watch reruns of “Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman,” it’s worth the trip. But why would you waste your time like that, with all the kinky fun this B&B has to offer?
Mistress Kathleen also shared what the “breakfast” part of the B&B entails, how she got proper zoning for her business, and how the business fared opening a few weeks before the pandemic hit, among other things. Once you listen to the episode, you’ll be intrigued and want to know more. So, head to InnThrall’s website, check them out on Instagram and their Twitter feed to learn more about the business and how you can book your own stay. In the meantime, Luke is hopping on the internet to look up what a St. Andrew’s cross is used for. Be sure to do an image search, Luke!

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