Episode #127 — Author/Actor/Playmate Carrie Stevens

Oh, technology. Through its magic we are able to bring you our magic (or whatever you you’d like to call it) at least once a week. But it can be so needy. Seriously, mega company #1, we’ve already purchased a bunch of listening devices from you. You don’t have to get all jealous that you didn’t option Schitt’s Creek and chime in every time someone’s name is uttered off mega company #2’s streaming service. They said, “Alexis.” Calm down, Alexa!

That being said, we are needy too, and would be more than happy to try out any promotions either mega company would like to send our way. Or even just play kooky roadside motel residents in any potential Schitt’s Creek spin-offs. We have so many show ideas, some involving the songs of Billy Joel…

So… it’s become apparent that now would be a good time to take a little technology break and Say Goodbye to Hollywood. (From viewing technology, of course. You should always keep using it to listen to our quality, morning-show-style banter.) And there’s no better way to take a break than to pick up a good book. As luck would have it, our guest for this week’s episode, Carrie Stevens, has a brand-new book out with a bit of something for everyone. Are you a member of the Kiss Army? Check. Are you interested in Hollywood? Check. Would you like a first-hand account of what it was like to be a famous Playboy Playmate? Check and check! If you’re looking for something salacious and bridge burning, you won’t find it in Carrie’s book, Unrated. But if you’re looking for a memoir filled with poignant, entertaining, and downright wild stories, it’s for you.

Carrie’s idea to write a memoir came about largely because of the amount of people who, after being regaled with her stories over a meal, told her she needed to write them all down. And after reading Unrated, we definitely were ready to sit down with her and ask for more. Carrie is known for a lot of things. She’s appeared on television and in movies. She was a Playmate of the Month in the ‘90s and toured and modeled all over the world. But perhaps her most meaningful and special story is of her relationship with Eric Carr.

Eric was the drummer for Kiss (aka The Hottest Band in the World) from 1981 to his untimely death from heart cancer in 1991. Their relationship was something special and Carrie considers Eric her soul mate. Among many other stories she shared, Carrie talked with us about her grief, what it’s like to have that grief witnessed in a public way, and how she still processes it. She also talked about how letters from fans can help her feel seen and heard in a positive way, counteracting the occasional ridiculous and inappropriate questions she gets from jerks.

Carrie also shared with us the daunting process of sitting down and writing a book. (As the authors of this blog, we have to agree with her analysis. Connecting a weekly narrative between things like river otters, Alf, and tater tot casserole is never easy, but our audience demands it. Think of how our blog would be even better if a member of Kiss used to do our laundry!) In other words, while people may have said our lives would make an excellent sitcom or Lifetime movie, no one has ever suggested we write a book so a) Carrie has us beat and be sure to read her book to see why, and b) we’re extremely upset that no one has asked for our memoirs. Your loss!

Much like Carrie’s fabulous Playboy layout, this is a mere tease of our interview with her. There are many layers to her story, and a lot more to be told. After listening, be sure to learn more about Carrie and her new book on her website, and on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We’re off to stream more TV to confuse Alexa with. Time to put together a marathon of shows featuring Alexis Carrington Colby, Alexis Meade, and Alex P. Keaton.

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