Episode 110- Comedian Yakov Smirnoff (Bonus!)

“What a country!”

Maybe, more than ever, today is a good day to think of Yakov Smirnoff’s most famous catch phrase. Yes, America isn’t a perfect place, but, at the end of the day, it’s the best system we have and all we can do is work together to make this an even better place to live.

So, it is with all of this in mind (as well as a liberal dose of caffeine swimming around in our minds too,) that we present this bonus episode, a conversation with comedian Yakov Smirnoff.

Yakov knows of which he speaks, too. While he’s now an American citizen, he was born in Ukraine, so there’s a truth that lies under so many of his punchlines. The Ministry of Jokes were not the best at punching up your material.

 Maybe you think you don’t want to listen anything political and, hey, we get it. We’re exhausted too. (Captain was snoring for much of election night, so Heidi didn’t get a good night’s sleep.) But, while the democratic process is carried out, maybe now is the best time to think about the concepts and ideas that form the basis of this nation. And if that isn’t enough, we got a few Andrew Dice Clay stories too. Take that, Greatest Generation.

Yakov hasn’t let anything stop him. He’s still on stage at his theater in Branson, Missouri, helping people laugh through this most difficult of years. And if anyone knows how to do it, it’s Yakov… or should we say Dr. Smirnoff. Yep, Yakov is a doctor, receiving degrees in psychology from multiple universities.

So, turn off the TV for a little bit. Lie down. Get some rest. And then listen to our interview with Yakov. It’s a great way to remind you what’s really important.

For more information, you can check out Yakov’s tour dates at his website, on Facebook and also on Twitter.

And take a deep breath.  What a country!

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