Episode 70- The Star Wars AirBNB

The terrifying and tragic news have you wishing you could escape, perhaps to a Galaxy Far, Far, Away?  Fortunately, you can. Maybe not immediately, but you can get in on the books for when the madness calms down.

Loma Homes has taken vacation rentals to a whole new level with their themed properties. We spoke to Bryndee Barton, co-owner and designer about the venture that she and her husband formed. Their first property, in Orlando, is a mere 15-minute drive to the one and only Galaxy’s Edge Theme Park and it’s so true to its Star Wars details you may find yourself never wanting to leave the comfort of Cloud City to even go to the theme park.

From Dagoba to Hoth, every room in the home is true to its namesake complete with lighting features and special effects courtesy of Loma’s partner company that literally built its success building theme park rides. For the ultimate nerds in us, there is even an Easter Egg hunt throughout the property’s artwork.

They truly paid attention to every detail and consulted the ultimate in fans of the legendary series to make sure they included the best planets possible. The only thing missing is the Mos  Eisley Cantina, but in fairness do you really want all that scum and villainy on vacay with you?

For those who prefer wizardry to Jedi Mindtricks, soon Loma will open its Harry Potter themed property, also in Orlando. Here each guest will, of course, be sorted into a house and their dining hall will be full of regalia and fun worthy or wizards. Each detail has been tended to just like their first property.

Loma chose to dedicate their company to themed properties because they saw a gap in the vacation property space. If you’re going on a themed vacation, why not eat, sleep and breathe that theme the whole week. Now you can.

Future planned properties include a more traditional beach themed villa as well as Jurassic Park. Yep, you read that right. You can sleep with dinosaurs. You know you’re already planning a family reunion in that spot and you know exactly which relative you’re going to put in the T-Rex room.

The Star Wars house has been open since November and has already had everyone from families to business associates on a work retreat curling up under the moons of Endor. Feedback has been fantastic and there’s even a pool complete with Millennium Falcon and Death Star floaties ready for Rebel Alliance Water Gun Battles.

While you’re holed up at home for these next few weeks, we highly recommend spending some time checking out the photos of this fab property. You’re sure to be in awe and we have no doubt you’ll be finding yourself looking at future dates to plan a trip.

For more information and available dates visit click here. Get your dates soon, you know the Why? team is booking its company retreat at these properties and you know exactly who’s staying in which house.

Stay Safe Everyone. May the Force Be With You.

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