Episode 57- Talking Pete Seeger with Paul Suchow
This week will mark the beginning of a new decade for all of us earthlings. As we launch into this century’s, hopefully, Roarin’ 20s, we’re reflecting on the decade behind us and our first full calendar year of Why?
It’s been a year full of some of the most fascinating people around and a year full of some of the most ridiculous conversations imaginable between Heidi and Luke and we can’t wait to see what the New Year brings as we go for another 52 straight weeks of episodes.
We often joke about how we are a search engine and click bait nightmare given the expansiveness of our guests, and our name. Beyond being considered by many, to be out of the norm, it’s hard to find a common thread that ties everyone we’ve spoken to together (other than bathrobes, but more on that in the actual episode). What we’ve found though is every guest, without exception, has been committed to making the world better through their own style or brand and we’ve discovered that some of the people that may seem the craziest are often the wisest of the bunch. We pride ourselves on the fact that this show is a lot of fun, but it’s also a reminder to us as hosts and listeners to be kind to one another.
So, as we close out this year, we decided we wanted to have an episode that truly sent that message of love and kindess to wrap up 2019 and launch us into 2020. We’d like to introduce you to Paul Suchow.
Paul is a talented musician, composer and Musical Director at the Surprise Lake Camp in New York. Pursuing a lifetime career teaching music at a summer camp was a fascinating topic on its own but Paul also forged a lifelong friendship with the one and only Folk Legend Pete Seeger.

If ever there was someone who championed kindness and love it would be the late pioneer of social justice and inclusion. Seeger passed away in 2014 at the age of 94. Other than reaching out to try to connect with his spirit through our friendly Medium Connie and favorite Paranormal Investigator Ken, we can think of no better way to channel his message than through his friend Paul.
Paul shared fantastic memories and anecdotes of how he and Pete met as well as what he learned from him over the years. We loved hearing these tales and are happy to be able to share them with our listeners.
As with all our guests, regardless of your taste in music or your feelings on the summer camp lifestyle of swimming, talent shows, ropes courses and insects, we encourage you to have a listen to Paul. We know you’ll find his history heartwarming, amusing and a perfect way to wrap up the year.
If you aren’t familiar with Pete’s extensive catalog of music, we strongly suggest spending some time listening to his channel on any of your favorite streaming services before or after you listen to this episode. Also, if hearing about Paul’s time at Surprise Lake is giving you a hankering to send your kids to camp next summer, click here.
Heidi, Luke and Flash wish you all a safe and happy New Year and look forward to our further journeys down rabbit holes with each of you in 2020!