Episode 46- Comic Book Creator Rob Feldman

Remember weekends in the good old days? Waking up on Saturday morning,devouring several bowls of Cookie Crisp, watching hours of Hanna-Barbera cartoons followed by a trip to the comic book store for the latest issue of your favorite? If you don’t have those memories, then you either had a really boring childhood or you are way younger than most of our listeners.

This week’s guest Rob Feldman is creating that kind of Saturday magic for a whole new generation thanks to his comic book series Cyko KO.

Already a best-seller, the series is crafted in the same vein of Scooby Doo Mysteries meets Space Ghost meets Super Friends. Cyko has already expanded to include a coloring book and a read-along version reminiscent of those awesome books where Tinkerbell would tell when it was time to turn the page.

The book are fun, easy to devour and waaay less traumatic than most comic books and graphic novels are these days. Kids and parents alike are totally sucked into Cyko’s fun stories and the reluctant hero nature of the protagonist. There are, of course, also some fab jokes rolled-in that will go right over the heads of youngsters. Don’t worry, the kids get their payback thanks to some ‘challenges’ Rob’s incorporated into the Cyko coloring book such as push-ups for parents. All in all, it’s an interactive blast for readers of all ages.

This read-along version features a cast of fabulous characters and voice including our very own Luke (yes, this is shameless self-promotion). Never one to be willing to be left out of the fun, our hosts even put Rob on the spot to score Heidi a role in the next book. He said, “yes,” without too much duress. We caught it on tape so we’re pretty sure he’s stuck including her now. For our fans, who wouldn’t love hearing our own dynamic dup’s voice even more than just our weekly episodes?

We had a great chat with Rob and learned a ton about his process for creating the books and what came first, the drawings or the script and everything in-between. He’s even a Ringo-nominated writer. (Yes it’s a real award an no, Heidi’s dog has nothing to do with it.) It’s actually quite a prestigious nod in the comic book world.

The next chapter in Cyko’s adventures comes out a the end of October 2019 with another one on the horizon before the year ends.

If you’re in the Baltimore, MD area you can meet Rob in person at the Baltimore Comic-Con this coming weekend. For more information on Cyko KO and Cyko Mania be sure to visit the Cyko website for the latest issues, swag add-ons, audio and more as Cyko continues to reluctantly battle to keep Super Earth safe!

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