Episode 34- Todd Turfe

When thinking of childhood career aspirations, two that are definitely top 10 are Superhero and Pro Wrestler. Well, Todd Turfe has achieved both. So next time a kid tells you she’s gonna grow up to be Spiderman resist the eyeroll at all costs because it definitely could happen.

Todd began his wrestling career at the age of 18 and quickly gained a huge fan following in the field as well as a ton of success. He spent four years as a pro wrestler and took the requisite beatings and abuse to his body. After hitting that pivotal crossroads of do I keep pushing forward or do I make a move in another direction, he decided to go a more traditional career route.

He still holds that career today, however, in true superhero alter-ego fashion, Todd spends countless hours donning masks, capes, hammers and more visiting sick children in hospitals as the world’s most beloved crusaders.

He’s been Batman, Thor, Spiderman, Aquaman and more. As he professes, he often selects his portrayal based on his level of facial hair at any given time. Also, he’s the first to admit he’s pretty buff and tall for Peter Parker’s webbed suit and yeah, kids will definitely call him out. Don’t worry, he’s prepared for the response.

He also has to be well-versed in all things comic book hero and ready to respond to a barrage of questions to confirm his identity.

That said, the majority of the time he’s met with awe and wonder complete with the belief that the real Batman has come to visit them.

Todd began his mission of brightening kids’ days completely of his own volition. He’d always wanted to do something for kids and during his wrestling days he’d looked forward to using his persona to visit kids in this nature. When he threw his last body slam, he decided it was time to find a new route to fulfill that dream.

Best of all, his “real” job has become completely supportive of his superhero ways. He’s truly able to have the best of both worlds.

He shared with us that the hard part of the job, is of course, seeing children in excruciating pain and full of fear. Often, they aren’t even well enough to pose for a picture or to talk to him, but that doesn’t dissuade him from continuing to stay on his mission. He’s even had the opportunity to remain in contact with some of the families he’s met and seen their recovery and strength come back.

When not on location, he keeps his suits safe and locked away, but he may have shown up at his local grocery story in full cape and cowl every now and again.

Todd’s life as a superhero he does completely pro-bono, although he has received donations and sponsorships to help him bring gifts to the kids and additional costumes. If you are interested in learning more about Todd and his work, you can find him on Facebook.

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